
Lowe Guitars is a small one-man guitar custom shop based in Munich, Germany. Andreas has been building and repairing guitars since 2014. Mainly using tradtional tools like chisels, scrapers, files, handplanes and so on…

I build by the traditional Luthier Method: One man, one guitar. I strive to make unique, lively instruments and give the customer exactly that he wants and needs

Ein Foto von Gitarrenbauer Andreas Lowe bei der Arbeit
Ein Hobel zum Abschleifen von Gitarren bei lowe guitars


Before I started building guitars I already owned, played and tested many different instruments from various brands. It was obvious that somehow some of these guitars had something special to them – an extra bit of character, sound and feel. They were inspiring whereas other guitars were „just“ good instruments. This is what really drove me to start building instruments myself: The pursuit of that „special thing“ and to built instruments that inspire the player with their unique character and feel.

Andreas Lowe
